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How Plaque and Tartar Causes Gum Disease

The objective of scaling and root planing is to physically remove harmful agents that cause inflammation of the gum and jawbone. Common etiologic agents removed by this effective gum treatment include dental plaque and tartar. Doctors Network has streamlined the process of searching for a periodontist or dentist near you who takes your insurance.

These periodontal procedures which thoroughly cleanse the gingival pockets, work extremely effectively for individuals suffering from gingivitis or gum inflammation and/or moderate to severe periodontitis as plaque and tartar can cause gum disease.

Why consider scaling and root planing

Scaling and root planing can be used as a preventative procedure as well as a stand-alone treatment. This procedure is performed as prevention for patients suffering from periodontal disease.
Here are some reasons why these dental procedures may be helpful:

  • Aesthetic effects
    Scaling and root planing helps clean off tartar and plaque from the teeth and under the gumline. On top of that, if superficial stains are on the teeth, they will be removed in the process of the scaling and root planing procedure.
  • Tooth protection
    When periodontal pockets exceed 3mm in depth, there is an increased risk of periodontitis. As gum pockets deepen, they tend to house more colonies of dangerous bacteria. Sooner or later, an inflammatory response by the body begins to damage bone and gingival tissue which may lead to tooth loss. Periodontitis is the number one etiology of missing teeth in the developed world.
  • Disease prevention
    The oral bacteria that cause periodontal infections can travel through the blood to other organs of the body. Research has shown that lung infections and heart disease have been linked to periodontal bacteria. Deep cleaning removes bacteria and prevents periodontal disease from progressing, thus preventing the infectious bacteria from infecting other organs of the body.
  • Better breath
    One of the most common symptoms of periodontitis is halitosis or bad breath. Food particles and bacteria can cause a persistent bad odor in the mouth which can be alleviated with procedures such as scaling and root planing.

To find good New York dentists nearest to you for deep cleaning, visit Doctors Network.

What does scaling and root planing entail?

Scaling and root planing treatments are only performed after a comprehensive examination of the gums and teeth. Your dentist, will take dental X-rays, conduct clinical exams, and make an accurate diagnosis before recommending or performing the scaling and root planing procedures.

According to the condition of the gingival, the amount of calculus present, the gingival pocket depths, and the progression of the periodontitis, novocaine may be administered.


This part of the treatment is performed using special dental instruments and may include an ultrasonic cleaning device. The scaling device removes plaque and tartar from the enamel surfaces and root surfaces. Most of the time, the scaling tool includes irrigation of the gingival pockets that can also be used to administer an antibacterial agent below the gumlines to reduce oral bacteria.

Root Planing

This procedure is the treatment to remove the cementum and surface dentin that is infested with unwanted bacteria, tartar, and toxins. The root surface of the tooth is mechanically smoothed in order to promote good healing. Having smooth and clean root surfaces stops microorganisms from easily colonizing in the future.

After this deep cleaning procedure, the gingival pockets may be treated with antimicrobial agents. This will alleviate inflammation and help the gum tissues heal quickly.

On the next follow-up appointment, the New York dentist or hygienist will carefully examine the gingival tissues again to see how they have healed. If the gum pockets still measure more than 3mm in depth, additional treatments may be advised.
If you are searching for the best dentists nearby Manhattan, visit Doctors Network!

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